As I’ve stated in the past, winter is the slow time for us landscape contractor types. Well at least slow in terms of completing projects in the field.
However its anything but slow when it comes to office work. Not counting the 2 weeks surrounding Christmas and New Year’s (total shut-down on all things work-related), I figure I have about 5 or 6 weeks to complete what seems like a year’s worth of pent-up office work.
There’s always planning and cleaning and organizing and securing and educating and researching and … you get the idea.
And it seems every year there is one overriding project that I look to get completed. Last year that project was getting my blog off the ground. The fact that you’re reading this (hopefully) tells me I was at least moderately successful in my endeavor.
This year my overriding project is introducing myself to social media.
Admittedly, I’m kind of a dinosaur when it comes to this stuff. Being of the age that falls right into the heart of the “Gen X” generation, I’m just old enough that I missed the boat on a lot of this e-media stuff. Heck, we didn’t even have email when I was in college. The kids just 3 or 4 years behind me couldn’t imagine going through college without email. And it seems like today’s kids have Facebook pages while they’re still in the womb. (Seriously. I’ve seen sonogram profile pics!)
Anyway, I’m jumping in. The Clark Kent Creations Facebook page is up and running!
Clark Kent Creations on Facebook
A quick disclaimer. The point of my foray into social media is most definitely not to replace my real time experiences with colleagues, friends, and clients. As a colleague of mine put it, I still favor face time over facebook.
I plan on using my facebook page as a way of sharing project updates, posting progress photos, sharing company news, and sharing a few fun links to other pages which you might find of interest.
And as more and more people utilize facebook as their primary way of communicating, it’s yet another way that I can be more accessible to my clients and prospects.
I’ll still see everyone around town at the co-op, Henderson Field, the Crum Creek woods, the pool, the ballfields, and all the other places that make our town special. And I’ll still be out there as we complete all of our hardscaping and landscaping projects.
And as I familiarize myself with Facebook etiquette, I’m slowly getting the hang of all this. One thing I’ve learned so far, is that unlike real life where it would be rather presumptuous to show up at an event and tell people to start liking you, apparently it’s OK in the Facebook world. So, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but … Like us on Facebook!