Chitter chatter, what’s the matter?
Our girl Krypto is gone.
14 years, and lots of love
But now we must move on.
The Scooby Doo Ar Ar Arr Arr,
The tapping on the door
The purring like you’re some kind of cat
We won’t hear it anymore.
The spotty body, the black goth toes,
The white fur everywhere,
The slobber all around your bowl
The pizza crusts to share.
The camping trips, cross country drives,
Walks around the block.
Putting up with playful boys,
Climbing on the rocks.
Playing ball with sister Lo,
Two forever intertwined,
Tackling, chasing, running all day,
Then snuggling to unwind.
The smartest dog I ever knew,
The most athletic too,
Like a D-back calculating angles,
Planning out just how to pursue.
Street-wise and tough as nails
With personality plus.
Letting us know if we forgot your treat,
But always there for us.
The playroom couch is empty now,
Your kitchen bed is bare.
But your spirit is a part of us
That will be with us everywhere.
RIP Krypto: 2001 -2015