Hard to believe, but it was less than two weeks ago that we were drysetting a flagstone walkway in nearly 60-degree weather. But these past two weeks have served as a vivid reminder as to why we don’t schedule hardscaping projects during the winter months. As I write this it is flurrying lightly outside – the fourth snowstorm in just over 10 days. And while this one doesn’t appear to have quite the punch as a few of the other storms, there’s still a significant amount of snow on the ground thanks to the storms and a steady supply of sub-freezing temperatures. Certainly not ideal hardscaping weather. (Editorial Note: Warm weather has returned -- at least temporarily. Volatility goes hand in hand with the season).
Thankfully, that dryset walkway project was the last of the hardscaping projects on the calendar for this year. We still have a few smaller carpentry projects we’re trying to squeeze in between the snows, but for the most part we’re ready to close the door on the season.
And I’d like to personally take this opportunity to throw a few “thank you”s around.
First and foremost, I’d like to thank all of our loyal clients for their continued business over the years. It sounds cliché, but without the clients none of what we do would be possible. Your business is more than appreciated.
Secondly, I’d like to thank all of our loyal vendors. Your inventory, service, pricing, research, special orders, and overall professionalism is a valued asset to our business.
And of course, I need to thank my workers who have helped make it all possible over the course of the season. Russ, Bryan, Bill, and Jason – thank you! I know it’s not always easy work, but each of you have stepped up and contributed to the ultimate success of our projects. Your hard work is appreciated.
This will be the final blog post for the year, as I take next week off from my blogging duties to celebrate the season. But I will be back come January with more informative posts.
And I’d also like to take this opportunity to remind everybody that even though winter is here, it doesn’t mean we can’t start thinking about next spring. In fact, with the way winter is looking already, it may be just what we need to get through the winter. Start the planning process, and we’ll be ready to go with your project come the first of the spring thaw.
And don’t forget – we’re also available for light handyman work, hauling and clean-outs over the winter months. And don’t be afraid to ask about those weird “not sure who to ask” projects. You never know, we just may be the ones to take it on during the winter months.
And with that, I’ll offer one final thought for the 2013 season – “He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, and away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight, "HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, AND TO ALL A GOOD-NIGHT!" (And Happy New Year’s too!)